to my 8th grade self.

Wow, you are almost there! Do you remember dreaming and longing for this moment? Graduating high-school and preparing for college, was what you longed for. You read books about college and dreamed about decorating your dorm room in pretty colors. At the time you were thinking you would be a nurse so you were thinking about working in a hospital and you also were pondering about becoming a history teacher because you loved history (guess what you still love history!) 

Here are a few things you really should definitely read, 

Don't forget, to sit back and enjoy life, because it goes by so fast. Faster than you ever thought or imagined. Also Melissa, never stop knitting. Knitting will be and always be your first love, this is why you decided to pursue Graphic Design. 

Learn to forgive and forget. Sometimes you have to cry and sometimes you get upset, but remember that's all part of life. It's never to late to get back up again. 

Cherish the sweet moments with your family, like camping (do you remember not liking camping? Well you were able to travel for a year in a camper with your family and you honestly enjoyed it!) 

Enjoy the times you played with your brother and sister like building forts and jumping on the trampoline, because sooner or later all of that will stop. Your brother will be going to college and guess what you cried so many happy tears for him, because this is what he always wanted to do. You witnessed his dreams come true right before your eyes. 

Also do you remember loving floral designing and secretly wanting to be a florist. You'll never believe it but the college your attending has a floral designing club, God has so many plans for you Melissa.

Finally do you remember loving the movie Julie and Julia and wanting to make beef bourguignon? Well after 4 long years you made the recipe and both you and your family loved it. You were oh so proud that you finally made it. 

The most important thing is always remember the memories that you have stored up in your heart. You love your family so much and they mean the world to you always have and always will. Because the greatest thing in life is love.

Lastly Melissa if your 12th grade self could whisper a few words to you this is what she would say, "college will come soon enough, enjoy where you are now, believe me someday you will look back and realize those were the best times. Also the major you think you were going to study is not what you are studying now. But I believe this is where I am meant to be, don't get stressed!" :)

always never ever forget how much you are loved by your family, yourself, and most importantly God, 

your 12th grade self


  1. Melissa you have a gift of insight and depth of maturity. May your college years bring you joy, happiness and many opportunities !!
